commission work

I cover public and personal events, provide images for editorials, documentaries, theatre, and dance performances, backstage images, music videos, and brand stories. The images obtained from any of the aforementioned processes are all rights reserved, and their usage is specified in a contract made with the agreement of both parties. If you are interested in a personalised story in video or animated form, you can check my professional website at


I have worked for TED X, Bordeaux, France / Fédération Française du Bâtiment Gironde, France / NODE, portraits and interviews, Bordeaux, France / Lectra, Cestas, France / La Manufacture CDCN Bordeaux, interviews / Puppetmastaz, Backstage events, Bordeaux  / Clandestino, Radio brand illustrations, Bucharest, Romania / Cliniclowns, photography session, Bucharest, Romania / Alexandru Matei, “Buna, ce faci?” ( Hi, how are you? ) Movie backstage photography session, Bucharest, Romania /  Mike Altrin (Mihai Negrutiu), music video.

Portraits Node & Aquinum

Association of digital professionals in Aquitaine
Bordeaux, France,


photo session events

Action initiated by Cliniclowns, Netherlands, and implemented by a team from Bucharest supported by Cristina Popa. The aim is to change the attitude of patients in children’s hospitals with serious illnesses.


Behind the scenes pictures

TED X Bordeaux

Behind the scenes pictures with some of the NODE team, 2013 and 2014 editions.



BTP at WorldSkill France

The BTP France team supported their team in the international trade skills competition,

WorldSkills, which took place in Bordeaux. France

Hello, how are you?

Behind-the-scenes images of the filming and the context of the movie “Buna, ce faci?”
Directed by Alexandru Maftei
Written by Lia Bugnar
Camera by Radu Aldea
Produced by Tudor Reu
Rollin Studio
Title design by Camil Tulcan
For more details, click here ( )


Public event, octobre 2024, Rocher de Palmer, Cenon

Issue de Secours – “Inner Road”

music and lyrics by Mike Altrin

Blue Lambs (album)

video by Camil Tulcan

recorded at DstudioPro

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